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Get fit, have fun & feel the burn!

Inferno Hot Pilates


Led by Gabi Walters (IHP Founder)

Three days of heart thumpin’ booty bustin’ Inferno Hot Pilates classes led by the best! 

Friday, June 6th, Saturday, June 7th & Sunday, June 8th

11:30am-12:30pm daily

105F Lincoln Park (2736A N. Clark Street)


Member Pricing:  $20 per class (or $49 for all three)

Non-Member Pricing:  $30 per class (or $79 for all three) 

The one and only Gabi Walters returns to our 105F Lincoln Park studio this summer to lead three  Inferno Hot Pilates Master Classes and you’re invited feel the burn!  Expect to have fun, work hard, and receive a great workout! These invigorating hour-long classes will leave you feeling inspired and empowered!  All levels are welcome and encouraged to attend.

About Gabi!  Gabriella Wal­ters is the founder of Inferno Hot Pilates! 

Orig­i­nally from Budapest, Hun­gary, Gabi grew up as an accom­plished ath­lete, com­pet­ing at a high level in Track and Field. She moved to the US in 2002 and became involved in fitness competition. After suf­fer­ing from a severe knee injury, Gabi dis­cov­ered Med­ita­tion, Yoga, and Pilates.

In 2008, Gabi’s spir­i­tual jour­ney took her to India, where she learned Deeksha (One­ness Bless­ing). After months of prayer and med­i­ta­tion on the other side of the globe, Gabi came home to Las Vegas and real­ized that she wanted to make a dif­fer­ence in the world and in other people’s lives.

Chan­nel­ing her desire to help oth­ers with her love of fit­ness, Gabi became a Hatha Yoga Instruc­tor cer­ti­fied in Power Yoga (Bryan Kest)In 2010, she became cer­ti­fied in Pilates through Bal­anced Body Uni­ver­sity (Jessica Abed-Rabbo).  In 2012, Gabi started Inferno Pilates — the first ded­i­cated Hot Pilates stu­dio in Las Vegas.

Designed for all fitness levels, Hot Pilates is a chal­leng­ing, full body, low impact, high inten­sity work­out, using Pilates prin­ci­ples.  It helps tone and strengthen mus­cles with­out the pound­ing of a high impact workout and will help inspire the best version of your already amazing self!

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